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Learning to Decrease Anger

Sundays & Wednesdays | May 9 - June 16 | 12 Sessions | 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
FREE Online 12 Session Workshop
Certificate provided upon completion.

This 12-session class, two evenings per week, will explore anger arousal and effective strategies for managing anger. Understanding this strong emotion that can be self-protective but can also be harmful to every person and those we interact with. We will explore different environments where anger arousal is activated such as the workplace, home, and even in our cars. The curriculum is an evidence-informed SAMHSA workbook that can help reduce the conflicts arising from anger. Past students are welcome to take sessions they have missed for full credit or to polish their skills.

Registration Deadline: Class registration will close at 3pm on Friday, May 7, 2021. If you have any questions about joining the class after registration has closed, please contact Trinell Meyer, contact information below.

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