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School-Based Services Department

Non-Public School (NPS), licensed by the California Department of Education, New Directions Non-Public School provides onsite specialized academic instruction with individual and group therapy services for students 12-22 years of age, serving school districts across the entire North Bay region. Through an individualized, trauma-informed approach, each student follows the core academic standards of their school of residence, while progressing with their identified social and emotional goals as guided by the Individualized Education Program. Contact New Directions here.

Non-Public Agency (NPA), licensed by the California Department of Education, provides school-based special education and related services to students with disabilities located at various school districts and local education agencies. NPA services can include individual and group counseling, behavioral aide services, parenting support, and other related services related to a student's specialized academic instruction. 

Team Success (TS) provides school-based individual and group therapy services to students referred by school counselors and administration. Team Success is a mental health prevention and early intervention (PEI) program based on the evidence-based Project SUCCESS™ model. Team Success incorporates short term mental health counseling services (8+ individual counseling sessions and/or group therapy) with the PEI model, to help students who could not access mental health support otherwise. Therapy focuses on depression, anxiety, substance abuse prevention, bullying, and other social and emotional challenges, including school engagement and peer connectedness. Counselors work with the whole school community to support students in their ability to live healthy, productive lives. Parent involvement aims to increase awareness of challenges that students experience, and strengthen communication channels between students and their family members. Click here for referral form.

Juvenile Diversion Program (JDP) provides counseling & diversion services to youth cited for misdemeanor and/or disciplinary offenses, referred by school districts and local law enforcement agencies. Youth referrals engage in 8+ individual sessions that focus on topics such as: positive behavior, healthy choices, and coping skills in response to stressors. JDP also includes parenting support that aims to increase parental awareness of the challenges that their youth may be experiencing, as well as strengthen communication channels between the youth and their family members. Additionally, JDP contains a community services element that requires youth to complete 10+ hours of volunteer service, as well as develop and complete a restitution project as part of the program’s requirements. Once all components are completed, the referring agency determines a possible expungement of the original offense. Click here for the referral form.

Friday Night Live (FNL), through a partnership with the County of Sonoma, partners with youth at various schools to increase awareness of the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco and various substances. Peer education workshops and activities involve individual and group sessions that enhance leadership skills and community engagement towards increasing the overall health and well-being of our community.

Community Partners

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