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Celebrate Dads and Father-figures

As we approach Father’s Day, we hope all dads and father-figures experience the gift of being noticed, appreciated, loved, and celebrated – every day of the year.

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Dear CPI,

I spent a lot of time with my kids (7, 10) this past year because of the pandemic. I work from home, so I was more involved in their schoolwork, meals, bedtimes, and playtime. It also means I was more involved in battles over virtual classes (“Why do I have to get dressed if my camera isn’t on?”), picky eating, bedtimes, and screen time rules. I’ve never felt more fulfilled and exhausted in my life. With summer here, I’m relieved to get a break from the school routine, but I could use a break from the daily parenting grind! I’ve been more annoyed and impatient than usual and don’t want to be the grouchy dad. Got any advice?


Dear Rich,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing your experience. Parental stress and burnout is real! Here are some tips to try:

Give yourself some leeway. Parents and caregivers are often their own worst critics, expecting themselves to know and do exactly “the right” thing in every situation. That’s not only impossible, but it creates tremendous pressure and stress when parenting doesn’t go smoothly. Think about your expectations of yourself – are they realistic and necessary? When you’re stressed, give yourself the freedom to cut back on chores or other responsibilities to ease the pressure. Let your family know you need uninterrupted time alone each day, then do something that helps you feel calm and relaxed. Taking care of yourself will help you be present and available for your family.

Revisit summertime routines. Maintaining healthy and consistent routines – like morning, mealtime, and bedtime routines – helps make busy lives more manageable. Routines help children and teens know what to expect, which creates the safety they need to learn, test boundaries, develop self-control, and become independent problem-solvers. However, routines are often more flexible in the summer, depending on work, childcare, and other activity schedules. Talk as a family about your daily routines and decide which ones should remain consistent (e.g., chores, eat dinner together) and which ones can be flexible during the summer (e.g., bedtimes).

Allow screen time in moderation. Too much screen time can hurt children’s developmental, emotional, and behavioral health, but a moderate amount of age-appropriate screen time can be a lifeline for stressed parents. A little extra screen time won’t damage your kids for life, especially if it means it allows you to work (i.e. stay employed) or have uninterrupted time alone. You can even use screen time to spend quality time with your kids. Watch a movie or TV show together – let them pick it and then snuggle, talk, laugh, or cry together. The key is to be aware of what your kids are reading and viewing and set family rules or use parental controls to make sure it’s age-appropriate. Common Sense Media ( makes this task easier. 

Reach out for support. Many dads and father-figures want to be the best caregivers they can – and yet they also feel stressed, isolated, and overwhelmed. Remember you don’t have to go through parenting struggles alone. Reach out to friends, family, other men who will listen and support you – and if needed, seek additional support from a trained professional. Seeking help is a sign of strength and sets a good example for your kids.

Final Thoughts: Dads and father-figures play a crucial role in children’s healthy development. There are many examples of dads and caregivers deepening their involvement in raising children and being positive parents. Let’s celebrate them every day of the year!

CPI's monthly parenting article provides tips for families raising children, based on the world-renowned Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, available in Sonoma County at CPI. If you have a question or idea for a future column, please email This article is created by Nicole Young, the mother of two children, ages 17 and 21, who also manages Santa Cruz County's Triple P - Positive Parenting Program. Scientifically proven, Triple P is available locally through the Child Parent Institute. Our classes are listed at

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