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Raising Sons

Wednesday | November 18 | 1 session | 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
FREE online class
As part of the Violence Prevention Annual Series (VPAS) 2020, CPI is partnering with The Violence Prevention Partnership to offer this class!

In collaboration with The Partnership, CPI welcomes families to our free workshops. "Door prizes" will be given at every virtual workshop!

What are the special needs and challenges of boys as they grow through childhood? This workshop offers an overview of the specific biological and family issues that can shape a boy’s growth from infancy into adolescence and adulthood. The class shatters myths, reveals new and intriguing research into the life of boys, and offers concrete strategies for addressing parenting challenges positively and confidently.

Registration Deadline: Class registration will close 24 hours before the beginning of the course. If you have any questions about joining the class after registration has closed, please contact Trinell Meyer, contact information below.

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  • redwood empire
    redwood empire