Living the Protective Factors

Social Connections

Parents with a social network of emotionally supportive friends, family, and neighbors often find that it is easier to care for their children and themselves. 

Build Your A-Team

"I spend time with people who make me feel good and help me be my best self. I distance myself from people who tear me down."

Concrete Support

Families who can meet their own basic needs for food, clothing, housing, and transportation - and who know how to access essential services such as childcare, health care, and mental health services to address family-specific needs - are better able to ensure the safety and well-being of their children.

Leave your comfort zone to get help

"I know that comfortable is not always safe or best, so I go outside of my friends and family to get professional help when I need it."

Get support from CPI's Resource Assistance Department


Parents who can cope with the stresses of everyday life, as well as a crisis, have resilience; they have the flexibility and inner strength necessary to bounce back when things are not going well. 

Make positivity a habit.

"I practice remembering that my glass is always half-full because I know that positivity is the partner of resilience."

Knowledge of Parenting & Child Development

Children thrive when parents provide not only affection, but also respectful communication and listening, consistent rules and expectations, and safe opportunities that promote independence.

Seek out information & knowledge

"I am continuously learning and growing as a parent"

Take free parenting classes at CPI

Social and Emotional Competence

Children's early experiences of being nurtured and developing a positive relationship with a caring adult affect all aspects of behavior and development.

Listen more, argue less

"I listen to my children with my heart and my mind."

Speak with a CPI parent educator for customized parent support