Class registration form

First Name *
Last Name *
Please list your name as you would like it to appear on the certificate.
Address Line 1 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
What ages are your children?
Please select as many ages as needed.
If you feel comfortable, please share a brief description of your parenting concerns.
If you do not want to describe your concerns, please enter N/A.

Primary Language
Which race, ethnicity, or origin do you identify with?
Please check all that apply

CPI’s Zoom Etiquette Agreement

At CPI, we ask that you think of a Zoom Meeting as a face-to-face meeting and conduct yourself as you would if we were all present in the same room. The following are CPI’s guidelines to help ensure our classes go smoothly for all involved:

Be Present and Limit Distractions
- If possible, identify a quiet physical workspace.
- We encourage you to silence your phone or move it to another space to help ensure that you are fully present. 
- Drinking alcohol or using drugs while participating in a CPI zoom class is prohibited. 

Mute Your Mic
- Background noise can easily distract your instructors and fellow class participants.
- Remember to mute your microphone by clicking the icon on the bottom left corner of your screen unless you are asking a question or contributing to a discussion.

Dress Code
- Clients must be fully clothed to participate in a CPI zoom class. 

Be Aware You’re on Camera
- Remember, you will be on camera during a Zoom classroom session. While your instructor looks at the class to make sure everyone is engaged, double-check your background is appropriate, and please turn off your camera to engage in private or personal business.

Raise Your Hand
- To maximize class flow and participation, please use Zoom’s “Raise Your Hand” function in the Participants box.
- Utilize the Chatbox to ask questions and provide feedback.

Etiquette Agreement